Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

@mooop And Rowan…Brown and Yellow.

" I wonder how many people drop Lehigh from their list when they find out going there might involve a lifetime of wearing brown sweatshirts"

My son attends Brown. Every time he wears brown colored Brown clothes, his brother quotes Chris from Family Guy. “Brown, that’s the color of poop”. It’s become on odd but seemingly normal family tradition.

@Nocreativity1 - That was the butt of a hockey cheer as well…

Because the tour guide walked backward the entire way.

@MinnesotaDadof3 Ha. Our DD loved our first tour where the guide walked backwards. Hated when they didn’t walk backwards.

@bopper that one bugs my S17 (sophomore at Rowan). He opts for the gray!

@NJWrestlingmom I think my DD took one look at that brown and yellow Gym and was like “no way!”
She ended up at TCNJ. TCNJ used to be Trenton State and the pool has a big “T” on the bottom. Now the tour guides say it stands for “The”. :slight_smile:

@natty1988 - Good thing your daughter didn’t go to RISD if she was picky about mascots :wink:

@bopper OMG I’m desperately trying to get D21 to look at TCNJ. I made the old lady mistake of calling it Trenton College of NJ (I think I posted this up thread a while ago). EW!!! I’m not going to a school in Trenton! Now I get, Ugh, I hate the name. Hoping a tour changes her tune!!!

Interesting. Just what does he consider landlocked? The broadest definition would be any state that isn’t immediately adjacent to an ocean, gulf, or ocean bay. That would include 37 states—all of the Mountain West, all of the Midwest, all of the Middle South, plus Pennsylvania (it fronts on the Delaware River, not Delaware Bay), Vermont, and the District of Columbia—though DC might get off on a technicality because it’s not a state.

On the other hand, if the concern is being able to escape by ocean-going vessel, you’d need to reclassify all the Great Lakes states because they’re connected to the Atlantic Ocean via the St. Lawrence Seaway which allows ocean-going ships (“salties”) to travel as far into the interior as Duluth, Milwaukee, and Chicago.

For that matter, NOAA considers the Great Lakes states “coastal” in their own right, ranking Michigan as the state with the 9th longest coastline. Including any state with a Great Lakes coastline in the not-landlocked category would bring the number of landlocked states down to 30.

I don’t see this as a stupid reason - assuming he wants the beach to be part of his school experience. One of the reasons I didn’t like a particular school was because a large majority of off-campus housing was at/near the beach and I hate the beach. I didn’t want to be “forced” to live at the beach if that’s where all my friends were moving.

I think location/environment is a perfectly good reason to start hacking schools from the list.

My DS walked to the parking lot after the tour at bucolic Amherst (silent H) and said, “Where are all the trees?” Scratch it off the list.

Same DS went on the tour at Swarthmore (silent R). When the guide explained that the door we were walking through was hard to pull open because “it captures the excess energy, then uses it to open when the handicapped button is pushed”, he decided to apply on the spot.

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@lastone03 - my DD redlined all southern schools too - because of the heat and humidity. Zero to do with the academic opportunities. I think I may have posted that on this thread at some point as IMO, that fell under the “stupid reason” category ; )

That said, with so many college possibilities, it was good to put some parameters on the search.

Once again…this thread is not to question people’s “stupid reasons” for not looking at a college. Please do not be the reason a fun thread gets closed.

A few such comments have been deleted.

@momofsenior1 I totally understand that. I sent one kid to the midwest, one stayed in the mid-atlantic and one is down south. It’s been great to see how different all of their experiences have been. Having said that, the humidity is real and I can see why some don’t like it, just as some hate the cold.

We did visit—in fact, S ended up attending—but almost missed out on Ohio U because S thought the name had too many vowels.

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I can relate to this - I hate being too far from the ocean. Nothing to do with beaches, just feels oppressive. I actually had a difficult time getting to the point where we added any Midwestern schools to my son’s list, but hopefully we’ll going to Ohio in a few weeks. So far, my son himself has not refused to look at any colleges for stupid reasons, it’s only me!

Even though there are several schools in Ohio highly ranked for her major, my daughter won’t look at schools in Ohio because in the movie Heathers and on Glee they make fun of Ohio so she thinks of it as a bad state.

I’m sure my D21 would feel exactly the same way! Luckily, my son has seen neither.

How about this reason for not going to a school-no decent boba/bubble tea places? Kid knew people like that, although he wondered what the attraction was about eating something that had the consistency of boogers…

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