Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

Mine only wants to look at schools in the south because he doesn’t want schools where there will be months and months of snow and gray skies. (We live about an hour away from Chicago).

@CAtransplant et al–I do not think I could deal with “FASFA” schools, barring a full scholarship. I also truly appreciate this thread, especially hearing everyone’s kids’ architectural opinions. Mexican prisons, hah!

This post may blow my son’s mind. We have a flight together tomorrow and I plan to show him this…

Pennsylvania family here. My son doesn’t want a southern school. Told me he doesn’t want to eat that much fried food and the “y’all thing” would get really annoying. The irony here is that I was born and raised in the south. And am guilty of both. Sigh.

Do you mean “seceded” instead of “succeeded”?

1882, not 1881.

What is the reference regarding Leland Stanford’s role in the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?

Due to the complete lack of bubble tea in the town where she’s at university, my daughter and a group of friends just founded the “Bubble Tea Appreciation Society.” They seems to have got funding from the Student Council too!

@elodyCOH My DD said the same thing. She is now down south where they are having one of their rainiest winter/spring ever! LOL

@HedgePig my D would totally join your D’s bubble tea club. She is in a city that has lots of boba places but not really close to campus. But when she’s home she gets one almost daily.

Cornell is off the list because there would be too Andy Bernard (The Office) jokes/memes from her twin bro and friends.

Haha haha @ucbalumnus that’s exactly what I meant! Doh! I’ll blame autocorrect! And you’re the first guy to figure it out!

My D rules out any college where the brochure shows boys in khakis/collared shirts and/or girls in skirts/dresses. Says they are “way too formal”. Try to convince her that these are posed pictures but she wants no part of it.

NJW… some of us chose to ignore the misspelling- tempted to point it out, though but for once did not…

“Cornell is off the list because there would be too Andy Bernard (The Office) jokes/memes”

Any a cappella alum will find that Andy Bernard cuts a bit too close to home…

“My D rules out any college where the brochure shows boys in khakis/collared shirts and/or girls in skirts/dresses. Says they are “way too formal”. Try to convince her that these are posed pictures but she wants no part of it.”

This actually isn’t a stupid reason. Colleges carefully consider the pictures in their marketing materials. If the image a school is trying to project is too preppy or formal for your kid (or conversely, too weird or artsy or too something else) it makes sense to pay attention.

My S was hesitant about any school we visited where a majority of the prospective male students were wearing collared shirts and khakis.
He also nixed any schools in the south.

You mean kids wear that type of formal clothing in college??? Agree with being put off by marketing materials showcasing such. Heck, son doesn’t even dress that formally on the job (CS).

@wis75 Some places, people dress up for football games:

Sewanee’s class dress: “Class dress varies with the seasons but typically men can be seen wearing khakis, a collared shirt or coat and tie; female students typically wear slacks or a skirt and a nice top or a dress.”

@moooop , I have a spider who loved the mascot and one who wouldn’t consider Lehigh because of the brown, so there’s no knowing which they these things will break.

Ocdaddy, Glad to hear you have a kid who’s resistant to arachnophobia. It’s one of the most beautiful colleges I’ve seen, & seems like an incredible place to spend 4 years.

My DD and I toured USC last month, and we both fell in love with the place. However, whenever our tour guide ran into another tour guide, they shouted, “Fight on!” and did the V hand sign. My DD kept shaking her head and muttering, “It’s a cult.” I don’t think that will stop her from applying, though.