Subject Test Order

<p>What order would you choose if you have to do all three on the same date?
A. Physics
B. Math II
C. US History</p>

<p>I wouldn’t take them all on the same date but if you really have to…</p>

<p>I’d probably go math, then physics, then US history. You have to be fresh for math to not make stupid mistakes, and then I don’t think you would lose any of your memory for US history while you take math and physics before it.</p>

<p>^agreed. I’d make take Physics before Math, but only because I feel a lot more confident with Math than with Physics. </p>

<p>I took my US History SAT after taking Biology and Literature and it still turned out to be the best of those three.</p>

<p>i’d say do your strongest one first.</p>

<p>that way, you’ll go into your second test with more confidence.</p>

<p>I’d suggest sandwiching US History between math and physics to give a break to a “logical” part of your brain.</p>

<p>^ Good advice.</p>

<p>I’d recommend math 2, USH, then physics. Math 2 first so you’re fresh, USH so your brain isn’t overloaded with numbers, and lastly physics.</p>

<p>What if I’m taking History in May and Physics in June, when should I take Math II, with History or with Physics?</p>

<p>^ In that case, take Math II then USH in May, and Physics in June. Distribute the math/science tests if possible, and my educated guess is you are taking APUSH–in which case May would better coincide.</p>