I took the SAT in December and did quite well. However, in light of the coronavirus, I’m worried that I may not be able to take subject tests before the November 1st Early Action application deadline.
I know there’s a chance that tests will be administered before then, but in the case that they are not, do you think schools such as Harvard, Stanford, and Yale, would waive the subject test requirement/recommendation for the high school class of 2021?
Subject tests are often taken at the end of the school year, particularly May and June, since the material is fresh. The May SAT sitting has already been canceled. Who knows what will happen with June. If the June SAT does happen, will the SAT be able to keep up with enough test centers to cover the pent up demand of two previously canceled SAT sittings?
None of us know for sure, but I have to think that requirements are going to be much more flexible for the class of 2021.
You will have a chance to take subject tests before November next year, or we are all gonna have much more to worry about than college admissions!
Very few colleges require or even recommend subject tests now, and I believe they will accord them even less weight next year for any student who does not have any to present.
No one really knows what will happen wrt testing or college admissions next year.
If you plan on applying to schools that consider or recommend subject tests, I encourage you to sign up for the June tests. Just make your best effort to get the tests in…if the June tests are on, those who take them will have stronger apps.
Obviously if we get in the situation where there are literally no more opportunities to take subject tests by application due dates, the colleges will adjust.
Harvard posted a few days ago that it will not be counted against you if you don’t have subject test scores or AP scores
^^^^ So did the UC system. Lots of places will be adjusting their testing policies. Don’t worry about this just yet.
^^^^agreed you should be worrying about your health and the others around you right now
My daughter is in the same position. Lots of kids will be. She will try for June and take it from there. This pandemic is going to require lots of flexibility from all of us. From the Yale Admissions Covid-19 update page : All other standardized tests (i.e. SAT subject tests, AP exams, IB exams, A-Level exams) are optional. We do not expect students currently enrolled in academic-year courses associated with any of these tests to complete these exams in spring or summer 2020. Students may choose to complete these exams this year if circumstances allow, or not.
Update: June Exam is canceled. The college board posted info on their website that they will cancel the June SAT and SAT Subject Tests, and if we still need social distancing they will do an online test but they didn’t mention Subject Tests after. Are they just going to cancel it? Many schools dropped their requirement for the 2020/2021 cycle but some programs (particularly BS/MDs) have not. Does anyone know what’s going to happen with BS/MDs and subject tests and if they drop it?
It is now July and we do not seem to be in any better of a position 
Actually, it’s August.
What better position do you want to be in? Schools are all test optional - not taking Subject Tests is not meaningful this year.