Submitted deposit as Incoming Freshman, haven't heard back from Binghamton

So I submitted my deposit over 2 days ago and I all I have gotten is my binghamton email, with no other reply except a deposit confirmation. I was offered a seat for the SOM Pwc Scholars program in January but the scholars program also has not even sent a confirmation after the deposit. Should I be worried or is this normal? Is my spot in honors in jeopardy?
Thanks so much in advance for any helpful comments!

You’ve gotten an acknowledgement that they received your deposit.

Sheesh, IT’S ONLY BEEN TWO DAYS. They’re processing thousands of correspondences now. I can tell you’re going to be a nervous wreck when your 1st kid is waiting to be born.

Dear jzhao80–I understand why you are wondering as well! I would not worry about it, but was surprised the school did not send out any welcome letter or here’s-what-is next letter, as many other schools do. And I don’t think you’ll be a nervous wreck when you have a child–I think you will be well prepared. Good luck!