Submitting AP Scores to UC Schools

Hello I recently got admitted to a UC and I had a question about reporting AP scores. In the past, when I was submitting my application, I was planning to take 2 AP tests. So, on my applicant status portal, it has been recorded that I am taking 2 AP tests. However, I decided to only take 1 test, not the other. Will this be an issue?

No, it will not be an issue.

Hmmm. What should I do? Can I still register for AP tests right now?

@2020louischo: Sorry, I meant to type IT WILL NOT BE AN ISSUE. It has been long day keeping up with the UCI and UCLA admission decisions. Sorry for the mistake.

It’s okay! Thank you for your reply :slight_smile: So, how should I tell UCI that I am not taking the AP test that I have listed on my application?

You do not need to inform them. Just have your final AP score report sent to them by the July deadline.

Thank you. So, is it okay for me to just not report the AP score that I did not take by the July deadline?

Yes ^^^