Submitting slightly below average SATS when Merit scholarship is needed

Really struggling with this. There are a few schools on our list where based on NPC figures, will be well out of our comfort zone if no merit aid is given.
These schools do give merit but it is competitive.

If you need a scholarship I have heard, apply to schools where you fall in the top 25% of the profiles. We are doing that, and our list is heavy on schools like that.

But for the more competitive/target/ target-reach schools, where her grades are in the very top percentile (4.0 unweighted - mix of APs & Honors), but her SATs are more in the low 50% range (1360), would you submit them if the only way you can go is with some merit?

I really struggle with this since the test scores reported are so off when only 30% of applicants are actually submitting them. I feel like its better to show a 1360 than to let them imagine a significantly lower possibility.

If the scholarship is very competitive but shes a contender based on GPA & hopefully good essay/recs etc…is it better to go test optional or show a score that is NOT in the top quartile?

Thank you!

Depends on the school.

The best are the schools that have a table and you can see - Alabama, UAH, MS State, Truman State, etc. or to apply to schools that won’t factor in your test score (Arizona, Miami of Ohio, etc.). There’s many more - but this way you know you have an affordable school.

Other schools are holistic and you can’t know. You can search last year’s threads to see - is there anyone like you and how much did they get? It’s certainly no assurance but might give you an idea. Or if you name the schools, you might get guidance.

Of course if it’s a competitive school, turning in a subpart test score might get you a rejection (the last scenario you raised). There’s just no way to know.

But getting an unaffordable acceptance is a rejection - so there’s that too.

It’s why it’s best to fall in love with the affordable, sure bet schools and use the others as a lottery scenario.

To answer your last question - it will depend on the school.

Good luck.

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