Success Academy charter school families have no place for children to go after de Blasio cuts

<p>"They're Mayor de Blasio’s educational orphans. As Hizzoner battles Gov. Cuomo over prekindergarten and charter schools, nearly 200 kids whose Harlem charter de Blasio booted don’t know where they’ll go to class in September." ...</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>They are entitled to go to the public school that servers their areas as anyone and everyone who lives there is entitled to do and many who do. The issue here is that a select few families in this are were getting an alternative funded by public money and that alternative is now axed. Happens all of the time. Hopefully the money goes into the public schools in NYC for more students instead of just 200 kids.</p>

<p>It seems to be a common problem around the country.
Quite a bit of attrition in Success Academy schools I hear.
Perhaps funds could be better spent for something more stable.</p>

<p><a href=“Harlem Success Academy | Diane Ravitch's blog”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;