<p>GPA - 3.2
M - 700
CR - 660
W - 610</p>
<p>Pretty good ec's (Harvard-MIT Math Competition, Math leader, 4 Globally recognized Computer certifications, the rest average ec's)</p>
<p>Cost is extremely important but id rather go to a school id be happy at and be in dept then the opposite.</p>
<p>Looking for:
School with a good male/female ration (No IT schools)
School (preferably) offering a **Math and Computer science joint major, as well as an Astronomy or Astrophysics major<a href="However%20I%20understand%20theres%20only%20two%20schools%20that%20offer%20these%20exact%202%20majors%20including%20yale%20and%20uiuc">/B</a>. I intend on double majoring.
School that parties.
School with research opportunities</p>
<p>Yeah I'm picky...</p>
<p>Also I have a legacy at Indiana University - Bloomington</p>
<p>Thanks for the help guys</p>
<p>Here is the list im looking at but i am open to ANY school that you think i should consider. Not one that necessarily fits the trend on my list. Thanks!</p>
<p>Schools I should add/remove/replace, anything!! JUST POST SOMETHING</p>
<pre><code>* Indiana U Blooming
* U Arizona
* U Illinois Urbana
* U Maryland Coll Park
* U Mass Amherst
* U Minn Twin Cities
* U Washington
* U Wis Madison