suggestions about business schools!

<p>Hello guys...Im trying to find business schools (finance)
GPA: 3.81
Member of Phi Tetta Kappa
I do not have extra curricular activities or such things because I have not finished high school en the US. I have been here for 4 years now, and I have worked full time all these years.
I was thinking about schools like FIU, but my real intention is to go away from florida...I got a flyer from bentley university encouraging me to apply...since then I have started considering schools out of state, is Bentley or similar (if not superior) schools good choices? what about FIU Do you guys have any suggestion? If so, let me know ASAP PLEASE!</p>

<p>University of Phoenix.</p>

<p>is that a good business school? i havent heard about it before…</p>

<p>Its an online school. Have fun…</p>

<p>Wharton at Penn</p>