Suggestions for a HS student with confusing stats [GA resident, 3.5 GPA, 32 ACT (33 super score), public policy or international affairs]

Hi! I was hoping I could get some input on schools that would accept me or may be good reaches (that aren’t too “reachy” like my current ones). I’m having a hard time figuring out where I land in terms of competitiveness.


  • US citizen from Georgia
  • I go to a highly competitive charter school (I did not have to apply to get in - I’m zoned for that school).
  • White female (1/4 Puerto Rican - do I even bother mentioning this?)

Intended Major(s)
Public Policy, International Affairs

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • I currently have a 3.5 UW/3.9 W (not great unfortunately :/)
  • 32 composite/33 SS on the ACT - hoping to bump that to a 34 SS but haven’t gotten results yet.
  • HS doesn’t rank


  • Participate in a Spanish-immersion program and will graduate with two diplomas (one from Ministry of Education in Spain)
  • 8 AP Classes - all 4’s and 2 5’s (AP Gov and AP Lang) on the tests taken so far
  • APUSH, AP Gov., AP Spanish Lit & Lang (obviously haha), AP English Lit., H. World Lit, All honors Spanish classes taken in immersive-level Spanish for the program I’m in
  • Highest level of math: Precalculus
  • Other honors classes: H. Psychology, H. World History

Also studied abroad in Spain this past summer and earned college credits. I’m not sure if that’s important or not.


  • Academic Letter - 2022
  • Model UN Letter - 2020-2024
  • AP Scholar with Distinction - 2023
  • Model UN Teacher’s Choice Award - Most Improved - 2021
  • National Honor Society - 2023-2024
  • National English Honor Society - 2022-2024
  • President’s Teen Volunteer Service Award (Gold - 100+ Service Hours) - 2020
  • President’s Teen Volunteer Service Award (Silver - 75+ Service Hours) - 2021
  • President’s Volunteer Service Award (Bronze - 100+ Service Hours) - 2022
  • Modelette Award - Presented by National Charity League. Awarded to the NCL participant who best modeled the mission statement during the 2022-2023 chapter year - 2023
  • Silver Award - National Charity League. 25+ Service Hours in a single philanthropy - 2020-2022.
  • Kennesaw State University Model UN (KSUMUN) Conference - Best Delegate Award - 2023
  • KSUMUN Outstanding Delegation Award - for me and a teammate’s representation of one country during the conference - 2023


  • Yale Young Global Scholars 2022 (once again not sure if this even helps haha)
  • Model United Nations Club President (2023-2024); Vice President (2022-2023)
  • Immersion Program Student Body President (2023-2024); Representative (2020-2023)
  • National Charity League Senior Recognition Ceremony Coordinator (2023-2024); Class President (2022-2023) (only allowed to hold position once)
  • Odyssey of the Mind (2020-2022) - World Finalist 2022
  • Self-taught proficiency in Final Cut Pro and Photoshop thanks to my hobby of editing vlogs
  • I have volunteered 318 hours throughout high school in various endeavors (created a fashion show (Fashion Club) to raise money for a women’s shelter, ran a coat drive through Fashion Club, National Charity League, etc.)
  • I have worked over 500 hours babysitting and had a summer job at Live Nation as a food worker this summer and last summer.

My CAE is (in my opinion) pretty solid - it ties my interests/extracurriculars in well. I don’t know if it’s necessarily legendary, but it’s definitely good. My strength in school has always been writing. LORs should be solid - one of mine is from a teacher who is VERY hard to get a LOR from (he does around 6 students a year) - I know that doesn’t necessarily mean his LOR will be extraordinary, but he definitely will be spending time on my letter.

Cost Constraints / Budget
For this specific question, budget is not an issue; I would like to just see my options before delving deeper into affordability. (This is more of a curiosity question for now - I still have a list with a good amount of affordible options). Don’t leave out suggestions because of cost.

I mentioned my ADHD and improvement in grades after I was able to get a 504 second-semester Junior year, so I don’t know if that sways anything.

Thanks so much! I know my stats aren’t amazing and my ECs are kind of all over the place, but I am still curious as to what schools (esp. reach) I should look at.

So budget does matter:

  1. You don’t want to be in debt

  2. You can only borrow $5500 your first year and $27K over four years.

You have a nice portfolio. You should see if Odyssey of the Mind has scholarships. That’s impressive.

Why do you say your stats are confusing? Let me add - an upward trend is great but one can’t assume it’s because of a plan or medication - and it happened late so I don’t think it sways anything but every AO at every school is different and I can’t say how they’d see it.

What do you seek in a college? UGA is unlikely - but is wonderful for IR? But it’s huge. Do you want large or small, rural, urban…any location, etc.? Tell us more - what you desire.

What is the true budget - how much you have each year - because loans aren’t an option (thank goodness - other than the $5500.

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While it won’t sway things, it is something to keep in mind when comparing schools. Some schools are know to be great with accommodations or even have additional programs available. While some come at an additional cost, for your level of accommodations, usually you can find a program that is free. Additionally, there are schools that just tend to be naturally more neurodiverse friendly. Although S23 does have accommodations, he is finding that his school is among those that makes it almost a non-issue.

Do you have some parameters already what you find important in a college, and what might be a “turn-off”? What kind of environment (urban, suburban, rural), what area of the country is in/out, what size?

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