
<p>I'm currently ranked within the top 10 of my class of 600 some and do not know what schedule I should go on with. I have two: one that would murder my GPA (but has the one class I want) and the other that would keep my rank and GPA relatively safe.</p>

<p>Schedule 1:
AP Art History
AP Chemistry
AP Spanish Lang.
Multivariable Calc
Normal English
Normal Computers
Normal Government</p>

<p>Schedule 2:
AP Art History
AP World History
AP Chemistry
AP U.S. Government
Multivariable Calc
Normal English</p>

<p>What should I do? Is ranking important enough that I have to drop AP Spanish? I am willing to suffer through the ignorance of normal classes for it. (Yes, I'm elitist and a believer of eugenics, durr)</p>

<p>): so. suggestions?</p>

<p>You should go with the second one.</p>



<p>Not really. No big differences between #10 and #20 in a class of 600.</p>

<p>The material in AP Gov isn’t that difficult, and the extra quality points from AP (if your school gives any) would help your gpa</p>