Suite dorms soph year

Is it a good possibility for soph’s to still stay in the dorms if they would like to? S is in RCW now as a frosh and would like to try and stay there next year.


For every story of someone who has been allowed to stay beyond their freshman year, there are others who did not get the chance to recontract. Incoming freshmen continue to get 100% priority, and there is mandatory on-campus housing for the overwhelming majority of them, so your chances will depend on enrollment and how many other students with the same designation (rising sophomores) are with you. The website says that applications are prioritized by application date, so pay attention to that. I do not believe there is a “good possibility” - so you have to plan for living off campus. Each year is different, and while UA Housing can give you some indication…I think you will find that they strongly suggest you to look off campus so you are not disappointed if you are not chosen. By all means, meet the deadlines to recontract, but have a Plan B.

PS: I’ve had to correct my words here 2x, after reading through this link several times: Read it! Good luck!

It’s really hard to say. There were fewer upperclassmen able to stay in the dorms this year than there were the year before, and my guess would be that there will be even fewer next year. But I’m just guessing. FWIW, there are some nice advantages to being off campus, including more flexibility over holidays and the ability to leave one’s stuff over the summer if you stay in the same apartment. The big disadvantage I see is choosing the right roommates at a point in the year when a student doesn’t know the new friends all that well. If you don’t have to have one of the off-campus places that fills up quickly and requires signing a lease in the early fall, that’s not as big of an issue. Unless your son needs to be in one of the newer complexes that’s within walking distance with lots of amenities, he probably can wait to sign an off-campus lease until after you know whether he’s able to get campus housing for next year. Just be sure to stay on top of signup deadlines and have your son sign up for housing the first second he can.

“Good possibility”? No. Next year’s frosh class going to be bigger, and with each growing class, fewer sophs can get on-campus housing. I think the frosh in BlountUI have assured housing for soph year.

Your son can try, but only if he’s lucky will he get on campus housing next year.

BTW…It’s only Sept…early in the school year. Likely by next spring, your son and pals will want to move off campus.

Plus when are they tearing down Tut again?


"Preliminary plans for a $124 million replacement for Tutwiler Residential Hall were approved on Friday by The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees.

The building is scheduled to open in 2020, with the demolition of the 
current Tutwiler Hall to follow.

The new building, to be located near the current site, would be 520,521 square feet. With a capacity of around 1,583 students, it would be able to house nearly 600 more students than the current one.

Similar to the current building, the new residence hall will have double occupancy rooms with community bathrooms, lounges, study areas, seven elevators, a Julia’s Market and a multipurpose space that can serve as a storm shelter for 1,742 people, according to Tuscaloosa News."

Tut won’t be torn down until its replacement will be built.

R they also building another dorm by Lakeside?

Yes, I saw that in the above artice. Nothing like answering ur own question - lol.

Just an update for everyone who has not heard of the information yet, returning students are not allowed to live on campus next year. The only way upperclassman can live on campus is to become an RA/FA.

Note re: #9 above… I know that Housing has indicated that there will be some exceptions made, such as for certain medical reasons. Contact UA Housing directly for more specific information.