<p>I'm having a little difficulty deciding on whether I should put my trips with People to People (studentambassadors.org) in activities as well as summer activities. I was going to use the optional space for an essay about one of these trips, but I lose room since I have to explain more about my participation since there isn't any available room. Should I put it in Activities so that I can explain it there?</p>
<p>Would like some input since this affects some of the last things.</p>
<p>well…i always assumed that the activities section was for year long activities (or ECs that one participates in…not necessarily summer programs that one goes on) and plus, the explanation in the activities section should only be 40 words long, how much extra explaining will you really be able to fit in…</p>
<p>I guess you could replace an EC of lesser importance with the People-to-People program, but it just depends on if your willing to substitute it and which activity is more important to include…</p>
<p>^^^He is right. But, I would suggest that you put the additional stuff on paper and send it to MIT via snail mail or USPS PRIORITY (so that it does not get lost and reaches in time too, cost effective also=$4.80)</p>
<p>The forty or so words would mean more space in the extra stuff section (that’s optional). I’ll see how it works out.</p>
<p>If it’s a summer activity, put it under summer activities. I might be fully understanding your question, but you won’t gain any advantage by listing it in more than one place or anything like that.</p>