Summer Admission

<p>Is it easier to transfer into a summer session at Virginia Tech versus starting in the Fall?</p>

If you are a first time freshman, I strongly advise against a summer session before starting in the fall for a few reasons. First, you’ll miss out on Orientation which is an amazing Virginia Tech Program. Unlike other universities in which you simply sign up for classes at Orientation, Virginia Tech introduces you to the univesity, provides you with opportunities to get involved, as well as provide you with various activities so you can begin meeting people. Second, you will be provided with many more opportunities over the summer such as Hokie Camp that will enhance your college experience. Lastly, being thrown into the college experience with 5000 other freshman who are experiencing the same thing is the way to go. Those first six weeks (known as Hokie F6) provide you with plenty of opportunities to meet people, get aquainted with the campus, and have fun (This is for everyone on campus not just freshman). Most if not all the people in the summer session will not be freshman. If you are not a freshman but a transfer, I still advise against taking a summer session because these same opportunities are available for transfer students as well. If you have any more questions let me know, and good luck!</p>

<p>Hi thanks for you post I was askling about the easy of summer admsission because I find myself in the following situation I was wondering if you have any opinion…</p>

<p>1st year College Freshman
OUTSTANDING high school records 4.53 hs GPA, numerous honor at national level and 1200 CR plus Math SAT</p>

<p>Want to transfer fall 2010</p>

<p>1st semester of college got hit in an accident a broke leg and ribs ended up with a B, B, B+ but a D in my math class</p>

<p>Want to be a sociology major </p>

<p>Have an easy A in a “Jan Term class” which could boost my GPA up before sumbitting transcripts</p>