Summer between junior and senior year grades; do they count?

My son just applied for admission for Fall 2017. Doesn’t mean he’s attending necessarily, but…

Anyway, he is taking 12 hours this summer which will count as dual credit. Does anyone know if these grades and courses will count for scholarship purposes? He’s already eligible for the Presidential, but I was just hoping he might be one of those rare students who got something extra. College classes go on his high school transcript with a half-point bonus, so it pads his grade-point a little bit. Plus he’s taking some fairly challenging courses.

I guess I’m just asking does the junior year end in May or August.

For scholarship purposes, grades for years 9-11 count.

As an entering freshman (applying for the Fall semester following your senior year of high school), you will need to send a completed application for admission, official high school transcript (grades 9-11), official ACT or SAT scores, application fee, and the completed scholarship section of the application for admission by December 15 of your senior year in high school.

Copied from the FAQ’s page

@robotbldmom When does the 11th grade end, in May or in August?

You need to call and ask. I would think it would be May.

Sigh . . . my inside source in the scholarships office did not have an answer to this one.

Well, thanks all!

I think I’ll just tell my son to finish out the summer and have the grades sent over to the high school. Perhaps it will depend on how the high school records the grades.

Frankly, I think that “something extra” generally goes more with higher test scores, not higher GPA.

@“beth’s mom” He’s got a 35 on the ACT. The summer classes will just raise his grade point and likely his class rank just a bit. We’ll just wait until August for the application and see what happens.

The way I understood it, once junior year is officially over (last day school) those are the last grades that “count”. Anything done in the summer would be considered for senior year. I doubt your son would get anything extra just because he is choosing to take 12 cr hours this summer before his senior year. If it involves leadership activities and community service activities than he could apply those experiences to the Crimson Scholarships and I believe the Fellowship Program. Awesome on the 35 ACT!

Okay, just confirmed with the admissions office - it’s entirely up to the high school. If the high school treats those summer grades as having been earned in 11th grade, then UA admissions would defer to that. If the high school treats them as having been earned in 12th grade, well, then they wouldn’t count.

So, if your student did the same thing last summer, look at his transcript and see how the grades were recorded. Otherwise, just contact your high school and ask.

Agree with Beth’s Mom that the few instances of “something extra” have been for perfect ACT scores, not for GPA.

The DE course grade will count towards the overall college GPA (not the UA GPA, which is what is used for scholarship retention).

Actually, the increased GPA would make a difference if the student decides to apply to either Computer-Based Honors (CBH) or the Undergraduate Fellows Experience (UFE), both of which have the potential to yield additional scholarship monies.