summer campp...

<p>what summer would be better or in other words, worth more... Harvard Summer Camp, or Brown Summer Camp???</p>

<p>Harvard because Boston > Providence.</p>

<p>I mean, I don't think it matters really. I guess Harvard just because of the name, but colleges will just be happy that you are attending a summer event at an Ivy league school.</p>

<p>About equal....I think it's Harvard Summer School and Brown Summer School.....either that or they might call it precollege.</p>

<p>most colleges don't really care about summer schools when they look at apps. At least thats what I've heard from 3 different advisors.</p>

<p>It does make a difference if you get college credit. :)</p>

<p>Check the EA thread. I remember a few Harvard Summer School students who were flat out rejected. Probably the same goes for Brown. Neither guarantees admission.</p>

<p>what classes are offered, and what are your interests...that is what is most important</p>