Summer Classes

Are summer classes at VT difficult? I was planning on taking 10 credits during summer I. My classes would be Microeconomics, ACIS, Chem and Chem lab.

How will you arrange that - over both summer sessions? No way I’d take all that in 1 session - not sure you’d physically have time to handle all the work. In general the classes are much more intense. You’re consolidating a whole semester of work into 6-8 weeks. You have to be very committed to going to EVERY class - don’t skip - and often class is 5 days/week. Realize it’s likely you will have a lot of work to do for every class. Don’t know about Micro + ACIS, but you could have your hands full with Chem Lab. Hear that Blacksburg in the summer is very laid back, which most seem to appreciate. Definitely not as much going on as during the semesters but then again, your workload will take up much of your time.

If planning Chem + Lab one session and then ACIS + MicroEcon the second, it would be possible. Realize you will be in class 5 days a week for 4 hours or more a day. Agree with @JustGraduate that it would be very difficult, especially with the lab, to try to do all 4 in one summer session. What does your advisor say?

Are you an incoming freshman? Perhaps you should look into summer academy.

I would advise waiting until summer between freshman and sophomore year. You’ll have a better handle on your situation and schedule.