Summer Courses as a HS Student?

<p>Hi everyone.</p>

<p>I recently saw this website [Summer</a> Courses @ Baruch College](<a href=“]Summer”> posted near my school’s college office. The teachers in the office did not offer much information about this opportunity other than the fact that Baruch offers courses to high school students. I am excited about an opportunity to start college early ,as I am planning to apply to Baruch during my senior year. </p>

<p>I have a few questions due to lack if information. Also, any additional advice would be very appreciated! </p>

<p>If I attend Baruch, are there mandatory courses that I have to take to graduate? (Preferably if you know any of the introductory ones because according to the website, I am only allowed to take those as a high school student. )</p>

<p>Do you think it will give me an extra edge in my application, since, if I’m accepted, I have already attended courses there and understands what to do to succeed? </p>

<p>Are the classes large and are you able to ask the professors questions during class? </p>

<p>Do the student’s bring laptops or notebooks to the classes? </p>

<p>Thanks in advance for your responses!</p>

<p>All colleges have mandatory requirements as a full time student. You don’t need to worry about this if you take a few courses. Secondly, it won’t help you with admission taking actual college courses as strange as that will sound. However,as long as you get at least a “C,” y ou can use these courses for credit for any college that you attend.</p>