Summer Courses on UC Application?

I took a summer course in the summer leading to my 9th grade year, and it was a required course to graduate at my school: Financial Literacy. However, there is no option in the UC Applicaiton to enter my coursework in the summer before 9th grade, but there is a place to put courses in the summer after 9th grade. I am confused as to what to do at this point, does anybody know?

Is the course on your HS transcript? Is it an a-g course?

Like PE, it sounds like a good class for everyone to have taken but, it probably isn’t on the A-G course list. I’d probably leave it out.

Search on the UC a-g course list, for many schools “Financial Literacy” is placed under the G College-Preparatory Elective. You should ask your HS counselor. My kids put classes taken summer before 9th grade under 9th grade on their UC applications.

Just adding the link for the a-g course list that svlab112 mentioned. Type in your school name here to see how the courses are classified at your school.

When you get to the end of inputting grades and it asks you to review, it will confirm you have no grades to report and you can explain why.