summer engineering courses

<p>I want to explore engineering this summer. I'm about midway through math and physics majors but have not taken any computer science (I'm thinking about taking that during the summer as well). What are some strong engineering schools that offer courses during the summer? And for an intense introduction, what courses would you recommend? Thanks!</p>

<p>how did u make that screenname?</p>

<p>I wouldn't go to an "intense introduction." Summer courses tend to be tough enough considering the amount of material being covered in the short period of time. Any school should do it. If you want to dabble in programming try an intro C++ or Java class. Java is object oriented (classes hold objects that execute specific functions) so it's a bit easier IMO.</p>

<p>C++ during summers is suicide | IF | its your first time programming. Otherwise, go for it.</p>

<p>C++ is the hardest course at my school. Around 90 students dropped the course
last semester. There was SOO much room left in the CS lab. LOL.</p>

<p>C++ is more sophisticated than Java?</p>

<p>On engineering, if you could choose any school in the country to take classes at...?</p>

<p>Java is friendlier/easier, both are probably equally powerful languages, but c++ is faster while Java is more portable.</p>