<p>Getting a horse, competing all summer on said horse, taking care of our new dog, probably should start working out again so I don’t die when I get back to school in the fall and have to start up required workouts again.</p>
<p>And either finding a job, volunteering, or possibly taking a summer class or two.</p>
<p>I’ve got an internship. I had a 12-month lease on my apartment and was lucky enough to get an internship about a half hour away. They’re letting me work 4 10 hour days if I work weekends (they’re running at off-peak electricity hours to save money) or 5 8 hour days Monday-Friday. I’m working weekends because I love having three days off and I can go out Thursday night still.</p>
<p>I so should have gotten tickets for the NiN|JA show here in Atlanta. Perry Ferrell apparently tore his calf muscle in the first song and managed to complete the entire set. </p>
<p>As for me: Working out more, hunting a job (It’s hopeless I tells ya), spending unbalanced amounts of time working on my guitar skillz.</p>
<p>If I won’t get a job waiting tables (whoring type I), I will consider walking the streets (whoring type II), possibly with a little whoring type III to get a little extra on the side. I mean if I’m already stooping so low…</p>
<p>oh and I might go to France too if this gig I’m working on will work out!</p>