<p>Hawaii is extremely temperate compared to Annapolis in July and August. Though Bancroft Hall has had air conditioning for the past couple of years, it wasn't turned on last summer :( Two years ago when my mid attended NASS, she took her cell phone but didn't use it. Females, take something nice to wear to the social. I understand that NASS is the BEST ORGANIZED and MOST PHYSICALLY DEMANDING summer program of all the service academies! :)</p>
<p>Since the conversation has gone toward the heat and humidity, I thought I would pipe up about some advice our son, a swimmer, not a runner, received from his BGO. Since we are from Interior Alaska, the weather is very similar to Oregon weather in the summer, only less humid (I grew up in the Columbia River Gorge). The advice our son received was to work out in a steamy bathroom (pushups, pullups, situps, etc.) and to run stairs. He still had a very difficult time with the heat and especially the humidity, but I think he was more prepared for how it would feel than he would have been otherwise. </p>
<p>Just a thought. Enjoy Jake while he is home and give him lotsa hugs! Take lotsa pictures, too!</p>
<p>Just FYI for NASS goers this year: I don't know if this has been mentioned, but I just learned that they cancelled the "Social" event that we had last year, (a.k.a., the dance). Replaced it with a picnic. Sorry 2011!</p>
<p>What to wear to NASS? - we are getting my son ready for NASS - he leaves Sat 6/17. He is packing several pairs of gym shorts and was going to pack a couple of pairs of khaki shorts (for classroom) Does he need long pants? Can he wear tshirts (with writing on them) and shorts to class. He was going to pack a couple of polo shirts also. The info sent from the academy didn't have a list, said to pack plenty of socks and underwear, athletic wear.</p>
<p>Shirts are provided as is a sweat suit. My son is there currently. Think we probably over packed, guess I will know more when he comes home on Thursday. He complained about the weight of his bag. I though a duffel would be easy to carry and easier to stow. </p>
<p>Weather has be "mild" for June. I will let you know once I p/u on Thursday. He had 6 pairs of shorts, plus 2 khakis, only long pants were the jeans he wore in. Only shirt in was shirt on his back. Truly an uncanny amount of underwear and socks, at others advice 18 pairs, thats 3 a day!</p>
<p>I heard the Coast Guard Summer Aim Program acceptances were suppose to be sent out yesterday, Monday May 14, 2007. Does anyone know anything about it?</p>
<p>My son took his cell to AIM last year. Most kids did that were flying. They do have to give them up when they get there. </p>
<p>It was hard to pack a fan but we sent one, a small rotating one. </p>
<p>Take a watch for sure. </p>
<p>They don't let you use an alarm in the morning. They want them to wake up to blaring noise.</p>
<p>They had them bring a lot of shirts and shorts but they give them a bunch of AIM t-shirts and some blue shorts. He didn't wear a lot of the clothes he brought. I guess it is better to have too many than not enough. Make sure your tennis shoes are broken in before you go.</p>
<p>They will post pictures for each week during the AIM weeks. I think they were posted every couple of days. There were a lot of shots of all the kids. I think the person who was taking the pictures did a great job of getting them posted so parents could see. </p>
<p>The best advice by far is to start yelling at your kids every minute you can until they leave so they won't be shell shocked when they get there...haaa....lol....you think I'm kidding, right?</p>
<p>Ooppps...I guess he went to AIM two summers ago.. Forgot he was at Swab summer last summer. </p>
<p>Rally Crew...our notification from AIM was recieved about 4-5 days later than some other people. We actually called when it was about 5 days past when we thought it was supposed to come and they told him he was in. The official AIM notification letter came another day or so after that. If you don't hear, give it a few days, but then I would call.</p>