<p>i am a first generation Korean male, in junior year, PA
2nd in my family to go to college</p>
<p>3.65 gpa, on a 4.6 scale, but on a 4.0 scale, it would be about a 3.45 i think
my school scale goes up to 4.6, but it is actually impossible to get above a 4.3 and the top 5% goes from 4.1 to 4.2 and then theres a pretty big drop off to 3.9 from 6% to 10%</p>
<p>our school doesnt rank because the counselors/principal/faculty/etc feels that rankings just hurt alot of the kids' chacnes like myself who take all honors and are brighter than the average</p>
<p>(my school is really messed up... difference between a- and b+ is .7)
weighted scale goes 4.6 a+, 4.4 a, 4.2 a-, 3.5 b+, 3.3 b, 3.1 b-</p>
<p>i go to a public school in pennsylvania, one of the best in the state, highest rate of students that go off to college, and we always rank 1-3 in all standardized tests</p>
<p>i havent taken the SAT I's yet, but on all of my practice tests that i take i always get in between 1980 to 2060</p>
<p>i take all honors classes, except art major, but i am on my way to take ap studio art as a senior; take 7.5 credits a year (1 class is 1 credit, there are 8 classes in a day, gym is .5)</p>
<p>orchestra 4 years secretary
tennis 4 years jv 2 varsity 2
volunteer at hospital 100+ hrs
physics olympics 2 years captain
participitant in school news paper, sports editor senior year (most likely)
took a summer course at yale u.
CEO of PFEW team (pennsylvania free enterprise week, business camp)
winter track 2 years
student ambassador club
relay for life participant
model congress 2 years
mock trial 2 years
special olympics 4 years</p>
<p>recommendations from good teachers, 1 from guidance counselor, 1 from the CEO of PFEW, another from my company advisor who used to be a financial advisor at a big company, so i figure itll look impressive
im pretty good with essays</p>
<p>i plan to apply to 7-9 of the following
Vanderbilt U.
Emory U.
U. Michigan Ann Arbor
Whitman College
Bucknell U
Occidental College
Pepperdine U.
U. Wisconsin- Mad.</p>
<p>Please tell me which schools you think are reaches, matches, and safeties
and if i should even try if its a really big reach</p>
<p>thanks so much</p>