SuperMatch™ College Search - 10 Million Searches, + School Compare

There’s now a “Compare” feature on SuperMatch that lets you match up the stats of multiple schools, plus we’ve hit the 10 million search mark!

As you add search criteria in SuperMatch, now you can click “Pin this school” when you see a school of interest - that will stick it at the top of your results, where it will stay unless you unpin it. Little logos for your pinned schools will appear at the top of the list screen, too. Once you have more than one school pinned, you can click the “I Want To” button next to the little logos and compare the schools. Or, you can share your schools on Facebook or Twitter.

Check out the compare feature today, and, as always, give us your suggestions on how to make SuperMatch better!

Supermatch link: [College</a> Search](<a href=“]College”>
Feedback Forum: [Supermatch</a> Feedback & Suggestions](<a href=“]Supermatch”>

Thanks for letting us know. I just tried the Super Match College Search and several of the colleges which popped up were actually on my list :). It’s good to know that I will be a good fit at the colleges I am applying to. I wonder whether there is any way to incorporate extra curricular activities into the website…

I dont know the system recommended a college in my home state. That doesnt even offer environmental engineering SO???

Hmmm…I wonder if you selected “Must Have” for “Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering”. If you continue to have concerns about the results you’re getting please post to the forum below…

[SuperMatch</a> Search Tool - College Confidential](<a href=“]SuperMatch”>


I tried it and about 80% of the schools that came up didn’t have one of the “Must Have’s.”
And I was going down the criteria list, schools in California popped up even though that wasn’t one of the “Must Have” states.
Sorry, the software still needs some work.

I work on the SuperMatch college search tool. Actually, the tool is working as intended, there is just a misunderstanding, and no doubt one we need to make more intuitive. SuperMatch not only returns your perfect matches, but also schools that match a portion of your search criteria. This is true even when selecting a “must have.” The matching percentage is the key to understanding the results. For example, if you select “Ohio” and “Chemical Engineering” as must haves, schools that match both criteria will be at the top of your results, as they are 100% matches. But unlike other college search tools, we also provide partial matches, just in case they might catch your interest. So schools that match only 1 of those two criteria will show up next in your results, as a 50% match. The key here is that anything listed as less than a 100% should be expected to not match some criteria that you have selected. However, I also understand that is not totally intuitive with the “must have” label. That is something we’ve been debating how to make more intuitive.
Thanks for the feedback!

Could someone please tell me how to remove the SuperMatch College logo from my Facebook Likes list? I don’t know how it got on there and can’t find a way to do it.