
Ive taken the SATs three times and even though my score has improved each time, i i always have one really high score and the other ones are low.
First sitting: R670 W690 M610
Second: R620 W740 M630
Third: R650 W640 M710
Would college see the higher scores as “lucky”?
Should i still send all of them?

Only send the best one, or maybe the best two for a superscore. There’s no need to send your worst.

@rebellax7‌: Standardized testing submission requirements vary by university; there is no single policy. You should know, however, that some institutions do not allow ScoreChoice, do not super-score, and require ALL results from ALL examination to be provided. You need to investigate your target schools’ policies with care. @crimes information/advice (in post #1) in NOT always correct.

I would send all three in your case because the superscore will be higher that way. Your superscore is R:first W:second M:third.

@TopTier‌ my apologies. Thank you for the correction.

If they do superscore, they don’t really care unless you totally blow off one section in a test.

At least at D’s university, someone I know in admissions told me that they prefer all scores since students sometimes make mistakes doing score choice. The computer does the superscoring and that’s what they see - I guess they can see all your scores but I doubt they take the time.