Supplement Help

I have a really good essay written for the UW-Madison application, however there’s something missing. In the prompt it asks to address your major and why you picked it, and I am majoring in poly sci. That’s the major I applied to at every college, but for my second choice I picked something totally different in the college of human development. All of my ECs are poly sci oriented and I don’t really have the credentials for this second choice major I just find it really interesting. Should I talk about my second choice major in my supplement or should I just talk about poly sci because it’s my first choice and I fit in that box. If i should address my second choice major, how would I tie them together since they’re so different?

Unless you can articulate why you are interested in that second major you shouldn’t be listing it. It’s not necessary to back-up every choice with an EC but it IS necessary to craft a well-thought-out statement, even if that statement is “I’m not sure yet because . . .” with some reasons listed. Majors might reside in other colleges but they can be complementary to what else you have chosen, or they can be a contrast in an interesting way. As long as you can explain your thinking, you have mastered the task.

However, do keep in mind that while admission to the liberal arts college doesn’t restrict you to a major, some other colleges (particularly ones offering applied majors) are looking for demonstrated interest in a specific course of study even if they aren’t direct-entry programs. You seem to sense that the CHE major required some “cred”. Unless you can tie it into your experience and/or make a case for how it fits with your vision for post secondary education, you might be better off just choosing something else in L&S.

Edit/update: you will only be admitted to one college.

@JBStillFlying Thanks for the help! I think i’m going to just choose something in letters and sciences instead as my supplement would just flow better and that’s where most of my interests lie anyway. I’ll probably check off either spanish or economics. BTW the original second choice major I had in mind was human development and family studies, but I think that’s something I’d like to take a few classes in rather than major in now that I think about it. Feedback much appreciated!

You will have plenty of time to refine your major and classes taken once you are in college. For now, you need a plan and reasons for it. It is fine to list a second major that truly interests you- do not try to game the system with your choices. Your sentence about the human… is excellent, btw.