supplement question

<p>Hey anyone at Skidmore what approach did you take to the question on Skidmore's supplement about what you would bring to the school. I can't even figure out where to start. My mother is pressuring me to almost restate my resume, but I really don't think that's what they want.</p>

<p>It’s really short, so you can’t talk about that much. Just write about something you’re good at, like if you are a really good chef how you would cook food for your dorm or something. It’s supposed to bring out your good qualities, so think about those.</p>

<p>i was accepted ED, so maybe this will be helpful–
in my “why skidmore” supp i talked about how i was really attracted to the “Creative Thought Matters” slogan, and how I had always felt restricted by multiple choice tests because you can’t rationalize your answers, and that’s whats important.</p>

<p>for the second question, about what i would bring to the community, i talked about how i am very accepting and open to peoples differences. i talked about how i go to school on Madison Avenue on the upper east side of new york, but live in a really suburban neighborhood, so im constantly surrounded by all kinds of people. </p>

<p>these are specific to me, but i know that they’re looking more for insight into your character from these questions. they don’t want to reread your resume</p>


<p>but in a completely different way… so I guess it won’t matter.</p>

<p>hah i think everyone spits stuff out about “creative thought matters.” i did too. but then again, i wrote the thing in 15 minutes.</p>