Supplementary Rec Letter after deadline?

Hey guys,

I am applying to mit early action. I asked my research mentor to write me a rec letter as a supplementary letter (not under the research portfolio because I had a different mentor for the research I’m submitting with the research portfolio). He says that he may not be able to get it in by 11/1, and may take an extra week or two. Is MIT okay with that?

As a side question, I did two research projects, one the summer after sophomore year and one the summer after junior year. I want to submit the junior year project as the research portfolio, but I want a letter of recommendation from my mentor for the sophomore year research as he knows me better. Should I just submit the letter of rec as a supplementary rec rather than under the research portfolio.

The deadline for recommendation letters is November 1. You have to sign in to your ApplyWithUs account and send the invitations. The website will tell you if a recommendation letter had been submitted. Knowing how mechanical this system is, I wouldn’t think they would give you an extension, but it wouldn’t hurt to email MIT Admissions and see what they say. Your most reliable option would be to try to convince your mentor to fit the recommendation letter in his busy schedule.

Dont mean to hijack your thread but I had a similar question about transcripts. My counselor told me today that they still had not mailed my transcript even though I requested it weeks ago and I’m worried it won’t get there until a few days after the deadline. Would this be okay?