Swapping Essays

<p>I wrote and submitted my essays to Harvard before the priority deadline, but just this past week I wrote another edition of the 2 essays for other schools (100 times better than the old ones). I was wondering if Harvard would happen to let me replace the essays... I really feel like the essays that I sent in initially are going to ruin my chances. I feel really good about the essays I just wrote.... you think it can be done?
Is their office closed for vacation? :(</p>

<p>Exact same situation here.</p>

<p>I called the office of admissions, and they said just send in the new essays with a note on the top explaining you want to switch essays and put the prompts too. Also make sure to include name, date of birth and school on each page.</p>

<p>I have a similar situation. I wrote another essay that I really like and that I feel is more insight to my personality. I have already submitted my application, but I didn’t write an additional essay for the supplement. I really liked my essay for the Common App, but I wish I could use this essay for the supplement. Should I mail it in, or would they not accept/read it?</p>

<p>What was it about your most recent essays that made them so much better than your previous ones? Better topics? More inspiration? Different approaches?</p>

<p>I kept the same ideas, but I approached it differently.
The original was pretty plain and boring.</p>

<p>@ kayheart</p>

<p>Mail it in with name, school, date of birth and supplemental essay written on it.</p>