Swarthmore ED 2

<p>I applied to Swarthmore for ED II and I was wondering if I had a shot.
GPA: 3.758
Rank: 10/475
SAT: 660v 670m, 1330 Total
SATII: 670 writing 720 spanish 700 us history
Literary Magazine 10-11 Editor (11)
Newspaper 11-12 Editor (12)
Student Senate 10-12 Secretary (11)
Writing Club (10)
National Honor Society
County Science Fair 3rd place (10) 1st place (11)
Awards for Writing (County and State)
I'm taking AP English, AP Spanish, AP Biology, and AP Chemistry and Advanced Precalc which will turn into Calculus next semester.
I think my essays were a good portrayal of who I am, and I think I picked the right teachers for recommendations. I was also nominated by my school for consideration for the Swarthmore merit scholarship. Someone from my school already got in for ED 1. Do you think I still have a chance?</p>

<p>anyone... anyone at all?</p>

<p>I completely forgot Foreign Language Honor Society as an award for Spanish I-V. could somebody please respond to me :'(</p>