Hi! I’m also a current freshman at Swat and figured I’d give my input too. readinglts did a good job of explaining the basics, so my answer will be a bit more anecdotal. Hopefully it’s of some help to you!
At Orientation, they gave all freshmen a big red book of all current courses. I still haven’t touched it. I found what classes I wanted to take by using the TriCo course guide (google “trico haverford course guide” and it should be the first result) in combination with each discipline’s course descriptions on the Swarthmore website. I then wrote down all the courses that seemed interesting.
At some point during Orientation, there was an academics fair, in which each discipline had a little booth with course descriptions and professors there to answer any questions. It helped me out a lot! For example, both the linguistics department and the computer science department wrote down for me an outline of what courses I should take from them if I’m interested in natural language processing. I was even able to make a few friends who would end up being in my classes, as well!
I then met with my academic advisor. Unfortunately, I thought I was going to be an engineer when I filled out the advising form at the beginning of the summer, and then changed my mind about a month later. So my experience with my academic advisor wasn’t great, but that’s not her fault at all. She even told me that, since she doesn’t know much about non-engineering fields, to email the Dean of Academic Affairs, Liz Derickson, and get a meeting. Ms. Derickson responded right away, and I met with her the next day.
Ms. Derickson was really helpful. I was pretty homesick at the beginning of the year, and she even helped me pick a schedule that wouldn’t be too stressful in addition to the stress I was already feeling. She help me put together a basic structure for the semester and beyond, and I’m still grateful for that.
The last thing I did to choose my classes was meet with the SAMs. In addition to RAs, almost every hall with freshmen in it has a SAM, Student Academic Mentor, who’s always willing to help. In addition, during Orientation week, about ten or so SAMs were on call in the library each night to offer advice. We even received an email telling us what majors would be there when. I met with some premed students who helped me choose which premed classes to take (even though, surprise, I’m not premed anymore…) and even met with a linguistics major who gave me some advice on who the good professors were.
I ended up taking Intro Japanese, Intro to Computer Science, Advanced Topics in Single Variable Calculus, and a linguistics seminar in Taboo and Slang. There are 17 people in Japanese (though two sections, so there’s 10 or 7 people per class), 90-something in CS (but three sections - there were 35 in my class), 24 in my math class, and 14 in my linguistics class. I truly enjoyed each of those classes… with the exception of math, but that’s math’s fault, not the professor’s.
One thing I feel is worth mentioning is Swarthmore’s First Year Seminars. My linguistics class was one of these. They are generally capped at 12 people, though most professors don’t mind letting another student or two in if they really want it. Although all your classes will probably be small at Swat, they are great ways to guarantee a small, intimate class setting, and all the course material is geared towards freshmen, so it’s a really fun atmosphere. My linguistics professor had class at her house twice during the semester - we went in her hot tub both times!
Also, to expand on what readinglts said, you can always get into a class. Almost all class spots are lotteried, except for Intro Econ, so if you’re interested in that, make sure you get your computer ready when it’s time to sign up for classes (which also happens during Orientation). PEs are also first-come-first-serve, but those are, for whatever reason, vicious to get into. (Probably because you have to take four PE classes at Swat.) But even then, when it comes to classes, if you email a professor and show that you truly are interested in their class, they’ll definitely let you in. A senior in my hall told me that when he didn’t get into Statistics, and the professor insisted that there wasn’t any room, he just showed up to class each day, sat on the floor, took notes, and by the end of the week the professor just laughed and let him in.
Hope I could help! I don’t know if you can tell from this post, but I really love Swat, and hope you join us there soon!