<p>A surprisingly tense discussion from a supposed Swarthmore graduate (if we're to believe the username) started and disappeared this afternoon. For those who missed the initial accusation and rebuttal....</p>
<p>SWAT GRAD: 1:31PM
I have been reading and contributing to the Swarthmore threads for a bunch of years. I have noticed that momof3sons is apparently an expert on all things Swarthmore. Have her bona fides every been demonstrated? How do we know she's not a Haverford troll?</p>
<p>MOMOF3SONS: 3:45PM edited 3:47PM
Hilarious, thanks for my chuckle of the day! Please show me where I claimed to be an expert "on all things Swarthmore." I give my opinion when asked and give explicit info when I know it. </p>
<p>Who do you believe? Does Mom actually have 3 sons and know Swarthmore? Is Swat Grad actually a Tri-co shill? Who do you trust? </p>