Sweet Home Alabama: A sophomore returns

<p>Just a note to let the new freshman parents know that my son will be returning for his sophomore year on August 9th and he can’t wait to get back to his “home away from home”! I was in your shoes last year and am SO happy to say that things do get easier.<br>
He packed himself up at the end of last year, put his stuff in storage, and came home with just a few things. In two short weeks he will be packing one big suitcase, a carry on, and his guitar and he’ll head to the airport. I am feeling a little melancholy about our summer “ending” but am thrilled that he has had such a great experience at UA.<br>
We learned that everything typically works out as it should. Schedules, dorms, roommates, clothes, adapting to a new home…so much change! But when the summer rolls around and your child is looking forward to returning, that’s when you feel like it was all worth it:) Roll tide!</p>

<p>Thank you. With all the drama and anxiety we’re living through, it’s hard for me to see next summer. My heart leaps with the thought that I may post something like this a year from now.</p>

<p>Jerz ---- you summed it up perfectly. DS told me today that he’s ready to get back to a normal routine. Made me smile…</p>

<p>S told us in June he was ready to go back for jr year. It was a little insulting, but good for the reasons stated by jerz.</p>

<p>My son graduated in May, and he is thrilled to be heading to T-Town this weekend to see his friends. They will be driving to Dallas for their fraternity’s national conference. Besides visiting his friends, he is helping them move into a new place, as well as heading to campus to meet with a few professors. So, even after they graduate, they truly look forward to returning.</p>

<p>My son has had his med school apt for 2 weeks now, but where is he? He’s still in Tuscaloosa. He has his Ttown apt until Saturday, so I guess he really won’t “leave” until then. He told me that he HAS to be out of his apt by noon, so…guess he’ll leave at 11:59.</p>

<p>He’s even requested that his 2 year rotations be done in Tuscaloosa.</p>

<p>Well put, Jerz! Our S never really left town after his first year and is down there right now. He loves it and is absolutely looking forward to his second year. I am not sure what they put in the water down there, but it works… :)</p>

<p>First year parents, try not to fret too much. It will all work out! We are a fairly resourceful collective here and chances are we can help, or know someone who can!</p>

<p>D loved her first year and is currently loving the UA in Oxford program, sans the bed bugs (but I won’t get into that now!). She is looking forward to the fall. Not only will she officially be on staff for the CW covering sports but she just got an offer from the Tuscaloosa News to cover sports! I think sports journalism might find a way into her degree plan. Lots of changes and growth during these four years and it’s fun to watch and cheer from the sidelines. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Congrats Lattelady! That is great to hear! (not the bed bugs part either). Roll Tide!</p>

<p>D has an app on her phone that counts the days, hours and minutes until she is back on campus. She is a soph too and just cannot wait to get back on campus. </p>

<p>There is just something about 'Bama that just instills a great feeling. It’s not just the campus, it’s not just football, it’s not just the people: It is the melding of all of it together that makes it special.</p>

<p>I have to admit that I am even excited about being on campus next week!</p>

<p>Oh, gosh, it came up too quick. I’ve got to find son’s winter clothes, as it sometimes gets cold before Parents Weekend. They’ll be riding the train with me and his textbooks next week to move him into his fall room from his summer dorm.</p>

<p>This is my 1000th post. YAY! (Only 45,559 more to catch mom2CK!) It’s gone quick, alright.</p>

<p>On this historic occasion, I can’t say enough about how happy my S is to return to UA this fall! He had a very positive first year, and I overhear him talking with people around here about how much he is looking forward to returning and all the amazing things he plans to be involved in. He has kept in touch with his suite-mates over the summer, and the collective mood in the suite is also a very positive one. He is definitely in the right place at UA. </p>

<p>To all of those new parents - my wish for you and your families is that you will have a similar experience and that it will be all that you expected (and more) for both of you.</p>

<p>To all of those returning parents - my wish is that all of your students will continue to do all of those amazing things that collectively make UA so amazing…and ROLL, TIDE, ROLL!</p>

<p>Congrats on the milestone, Aeromom! I have been the benefactor of your wisdom many times and I appreciate it very much!</p>

<p>Jerz has an awesome son with a phenomenal singing voice! I was so inspired by his performance that I renewed my determination to play the piano and have the sheet music for his performance song sitting on the piano - where it mocks me every day until I learn how to play it. </p>

<p>Jerz is absolutely correct - once you parents get over the first year hump, it’s all good. It’s really just you parents that are stressing - your kids know they will be fine - so if you can just take a deep breath and relax a bit, you’ll make things easier for yourselves and your students.</p>

<p>My son is talking about going home. Everyone looks at me when he says that because I then go into my diatribe about how this is home, UA is school. Yeah, I don’t think it works. He is looking forward to returning “home” for his sophomore year. <em>sniff, sniff</em></p>