Swimming pool at Riverside East?

<p>Anyone know what happened? Thanks! </p>

<p>What are you asking exactly? Did it shut down…is it gone…are signs up that say ‘no swimming’? What prompted you to ask ‘what happened’?</p>

<p>Sorry my post was so vague. I was totally surprised to look out the dorm window and see that the pool was gone. I thought we were in the wrong room at first since it used to have a great view of the pool… From my vantage point it looked like it was covered up to make a large patio. I did not get a chance to go down and look, I’m not sure if it’s temporary or permanent. I was just wondering if anyone knows the details. Thanks! </p>

<p>Pools are very expensive to maintain, and most students were using the main pools on campus. So the small Riverside pool is permanently gone.</p>

<p>oh bummer…it was so nice!</p>

<p>My S used it 1x in the entire 2 years he lived in Riverside. That said, small pools are like fountains and other water features in landscaping - they are pretty to look at. I wish they had turned it into a fountain of some sort because the plumbing was already there, etc.</p>

<p>^ A fountain would have been nice. Just imagine a fountain with benches around it on a fall day. It would have been a nice place to relax. </p>