Swimming Recruiting for Int’l Jr. Targeting Highly Selective Colleges

All schools my daughter was in contact with by spring of her junior year clearly communicated that she would need to submit for a pre read following the end of her junior year and at that point would submit (at minimum) transcripts, school profile, and senior courses.

I was speaking to the question regarding if coaches commonly ask for academic info early in the process - prior to discussing a pre read. We had no school (d1-d3, NESCAC, UAA, NEWMAC, Liberty league and Ivy included) that’s asked for transcripts prior to submitting for a pre read.

But again each school, coach, and situation is different and that is why it is always best to just ask the coach what is next


Harvard wanted transcripts immediately after first email - I know others wanted them well before the preread - keeping in mind he started discussions sophomore year. I just remember Harvard as it was so damn fast. He reached out with intro email with basic info including times and coach responded with ask for transcript and video. Clearly knows that it’s a waste of his time if transcript isn’t there.

Yes. Maybe it is that swimming operates that way? @GKmom23 I think your experience was with a different sport?

Regardless of when or how the coaches ask for this information I don’t believe they put through to pre-reads athletes they know won’t pass. I am guessing it’s the ones who are “almost” there that can go one way or the other and they hope it’s a yes.

IME which includes two of my own kids, plus working with many student athletes as a counselor, the vast majority of coaches at selective schools (so say 50% or lower admit rate) ask for transcripts and test scores before any type of formal pre-read.


Would venture that it’s extremely rare for an experienced coach at a highly selective school to review grades/scores before submission, and then get his pre-read rejected. it really seems that the pre-read is a formal process where the AO starts his/her formal involvement, but it’s more like a well planned formality for the coach.

D24 will actively enquire about if/whether she should expect pre-reads in July. That’s a decent gauge of a coach’s true level of interest

I would not necessarily jump to that conclusion. A coach may try to reach for an academic borderline case who is a great athlete and submit that recruit for a pre-read without knowing the answer beforehand.


For D24 the question of whether she gets a pre-read is also critical because her school (strangely) counts a pre-read as an application, and they have a cap on the maximum number of applications. so D24 has to be watchful of how many cc[quote=“NiVo, post:410, topic:3623592, full:true”]
For D24 the question of whether she gets a pre-read is also critical because her school (strangely) counts a pre-read as an application, and they have a maximum cap on the number of applications. so D24 has watchful of how many cc

[quote=“NiVo, post:410, topic:3623592, full:true”]
For D24 the question of whether she gets a pre-read is also critical because her school (strangely) counts a pre-read as an application, and they have a maximum cap on the number of applications. so D24 has to be watchful of how many pre-reads she gets, but that would be a “good” problem

I know two kids who didn’t get through the pre-read and ended up at another school in the same conference. It is not a “formality”.

With that said, a coach will not suggest a pre-read for a student who they think is unlikely to pass. What this says is that the coach may be a good gate-keeper, but isn’t as good at this as an AO.


I’m not sure how or why your daughter’s high school would track the number of pre-reads she does. At the end of junior year, ask for a pdf file of her transcript through junior year. You then provide this file along with the other information they are requesting to the coaches for the pre-read. The high school GC really doesn’t need to get involved.


taking demanding academic schools as an example, would guess 3.8 GPA / 1450 SAT / solid high school would safely pass pre-read. coaches may once in a while “chance” a much lower GPA/SAT.

at any rate, hoping D24 gets to cross that bridge by summer.

as long as it’s a pdf copy of her transcript which isn’t sent by the high school, that’s fine. but another swimmer who submitted pre reads that necessitated “official transcripts sent directly by the high school” had each request count as part of his “authorized” 10. in his case, it worked out because he was a highly recruited athlete.

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None of my son’s prereads required official transcripts.


I would agree with @BKSquared. I am not as sure at the NESCAC though this is certainly the case at the Ivy’s.

Nor my son’s prereads.

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Requiring official transcripts for pre-reads is uncommon. If a coach asks for that, have your D say that her school counts these pre-reads as applications, which the school limits, and that she would prefer they use the unofficial transcript.


that would definitely be the most elegant solution if coaches/colleges are amenable.

Or an official transcript, just not sent by the school. I assume the student is allowed to request one.


Same - we did have to get the school profile from the GC and send that, but it was a document the school already has completed and they just needed to send the pdf. We also needed a pdf of my student’s senior schedule. No letters, recommendations, or other documents from the school were needed and daughter submitted everything, GC didn’t have to upload anything

The students are allowed to request official transcripts, but they wouldn’t be sent by the high school itself, and in D24s case wouldn’t include “predicted IB scores”, which are normally one of the critical data points for AOs.

her former teammate was recruited and told by several Ivies to submit official transcripts directly from the school, which is what he did

FYI: My daughter used an unofficial transcript, high school profile and a screen shot of her SAT score (not an official score sent from college board) for her pre-reads for two ivies, several nescacs, and an uaa school. She talked to a few more schools about pre reads and everyone was basically asking the same thing as I recall. She’s a swimmer and this was 3 years ago.
As with everything, It’ll be best to ask the coach- he or she should be able to help.