Swimming Recruiting for Int’l Jr. Targeting Highly Selective Colleges

Why aren’t more FP east coast kids getting in?


I am assuming, using your own standard of “highly selective” (so please correct me if I am wrong,) that the UCs you would consider would be UCLA and Cal.

Would D really attend the other campuses?

Please show me the admit rates for full pay out of state/international students.


UCLA International acceptance rate is 9%


I would recommend taking a look at threads focused on the UCs. I think you would be surprised by how UCs do admissions. It may be easy to think it is more straightforward - using cut offs and such- because the schools are large public universities but UCs definitely work holistically and differently than other holistic admissions schools because they do not consider test scores and letters of recommendation.


I guess it’s a shoo-in :roll_eyes:

Am I the only one who found OP’s comment obnoxious?


10% in 2022. Undergraduate admissions summary | University of California

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Yes, this is so confusing. Somehow, going to a UC campus that doesn’t meet the “highly selective” threshold of 20% would be acceptable and a worthwhile expenditure, but other schools suggested wouldn’t be?

In any case the 2022 acceptance rates (2023 data hasn’t been released yet) for students applying for freshman enrollment from international schools to Cal and UCLA definitely meet the threshold, but good luck!: 6.2% at Cal and 6.7% at UCLA. That “dire need” that the OP touts is far outweighed by the massive demand to attend. There are plenty of “friends” ready to pay.


The UCs are a long list of schools, however holistic their process is, it is a statistical shoe in for straight A students

Thank you @Hippobirdy for the link- it is very helpful in seeing some of the dynamics at play in the UC system. The total # of foreign applicants grew from 2021 to 2022 but the total number admitted shrank.

@NiVo Yes, there are many UC campuses. I guess I am wondering if you think it would be “worth it” to pay for any of the other campuses.

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I guess it depends if they really do mean shut out at all of the UC Campuses.
I don’t know how International Students acceptance factor in though as @skieurope pointed out with Merced, the acceptance rate at a few of the campuses is not all that low, however I don’t believe the OP was considering those schools.
Not sure if Int Students pay more than out of state USA students for UC. If not, @TonyGrace has a very good point about east coast full pay students not getting in.

Isn’t your list comprised of 9 schools, plus the 10th app which is the UCs your D is applying to?

If that’s still the case, with the exception of McGill and Toronto, your D could easily be denied to all of the US schools on the list (assuming she’s not applying to Merced). (Assuming no recruiting commitment of course)

Which of the UCs would she attend over the Canadian schools?


@mwfan1921 if your expert analysis is that a straight A student would not get accepted to UC Santa Barbara, UC Davis, nor UC Santa Cruz, we can rest out case

If not recruited, D24’s college strategy is to have choice across as many schools she likes as possible, which will not exceed 9+UCs. Where she ends up will depend on what she chooses then.

Yes, denial from all 3 is possible for a straight A student in environmental science. The majority of US students applying to college have an A average. Which of these 3 schools would she attend over the Canadian schools?


As a thread with 1700 responses can attest, users have been very accommodating explaining things to a user who seems not to realize (or accept) how much they do not know.

But if you are referring to “prestigious” campuses like UCB or UCLA, or really any campus other than Merced, there is no “statistical shoe in for straight A students,” especially if they are international.

As a pedantic aside, it’s “shoo-in” and “holistic.”


Sadly, you are incorrect.


She’ll end up at a school she likes and makes her happy


Unfortunately “having choices” requires getting in first.


Just almost spit out my coffee…laughing.


This thread has “will attend UC (XX) in 2024 with the (longshot) intention to transfer to UCLA/UCB” written all over it.