Switching Majors

<p>Does anyone know when is the soonest someone can switch majors to a major in the college of science? I know that now that it's past June 20th its harder, and that you can't do it as soon as some of the other majors. Is it right after the first semester??</p>

<p>You can switch your major at any time unless the major is restricted or has internal transfer requirements, such as GPA. As far as I know, the College of Science does not have any restricted majors. The only problem you might run into is if you are trying to transfer into Biological Sciences. They only accept internal transfers at certain times of the year: September and February. You can find information on the Internal Transfer process for Bio, if that is what you are wanting to transfer into.</p>

<p>I know first hand that you can transfer majors in the first semester as I was University Studies and transferred into Engineering before the Fall semester was over.</p>