Switching Majors

<p>This question is specially geared towards UCI. So when I applied I chose to apply under humanities for all of my colleges because I wanted to in a sense pick an easy major in college to buff up my gpa for medical school. However, after reading A LOT on college forums and after thinking about it for a while, I think that humanities will be just as hard because I won’t be interested in it and that will affect my performance. Since my goal is medical school and most science majors incorporate the pre - requisites into their curriculum it would be a better option. I can do better with my interest being in science and not having to take a lot more units.</p>

<p>My question is specifically geared towards UC Irvine because you can request a major change through their admission website which is fairly simple in comparison to other colleges where you might have to wait until you start. So my question is will me requesting a major change for UCI affect the changes of the other colleges because they see my interest geared towards something else now? Because I checked my status on Berkeley and they show all the UC’s you applied to along with the majors I believe.</p>

<p>ALL RESPONSES WILL BE helpful!@!@</p>

<p>Thanks and have a good day.</p>