Switching to Engineering down the line?

<p>I can't decide between Computer Science and EE. I'm leaning toward CS, but can I switch to EE down the line if I decide I want to? I know Tech is a little funny about their Engineering program. Getting in would not be a problem. </p>

<p>Do the CpE route your first two years. </p>

<p>The programming courses in you CpE courses all count towards CS and you’ll still get your EE courses (ie. Circuits, Electronics, Signals and Systems, etc.). Then, if you decide you like CS more, all you need to do is transfer over and you’ll only be down problem solving; which is a joke anyways and isn’t a prerequisite to anything. If you want to do EE instead, then you’re already caught up. </p>

<p>If you go CS or EE and decided to switch to the other, you’ll be down a couple courses that’ll be prerequisites to other courses which would cause you to be down at least a semester. </p>

<p>Keep your GPA up though. I had a friend that wanted to switch from EE to CS but got rejected from transferring because his GPA wasn’t high enough. You still need to make the GPA requirements to be guaranteed a transfer spot. </p>

<p>Both CS and EE are in the same College so you won’t have the issue of trying to switch Colleges later. As CloudyCloud said you will want to maximize the number of courses that will count towards the CS or EE degree. Starting in CpE is an option. </p>