SYA - Costs?

Hi, I’m new here, and I’m posting because my parents and I have a question that we’re pretty embarrassed of asking at this point. The tuition for SYA Italy I believe is around $51000. Will my parents have to pay 51k in lieu with the 54k tuition of my high school?

In general, how will going to SYA for an year compare to continuing on at school, financially and academically?

Thank you.

I think you would just pay the 51,000k, but I’m not 100% sure.

However, I would consider looking into other programs if you want to spend a year abroad. Looking at the website, the classes at the school you would attend seem to be taught almost all in English, and it appears you’d be going to school with mostly other Americans/international students? If you REALLY want to be immersed in the culture, I recommend a program like AFS (14,000 for a year program with some scholarships; I went abroad on a full scholarship), YFU (about the price of AFS), or Rotary. With these programs, you would attend school in Italian, with Italians, and would get a more culturally immersive experience for a lot cheaper. If your goal is to become fluent in Italian, it would be difficult to do if you attend school in English.

I must admit, though I haven’t financed a program for high school in Italy, I find that tuition absolutely shockingly high. What is the issue? That it must have credits your private school in the US would accept? I can’t imagine it would have to cost even 1/5 of that.

My kids did public school in Italy and France and it didn’t cost a thing; private school in France is only 200 Euros per month. There must be some exchange program you could find that would cost less. You should do more research. I just did a search and in 3 seconds found this: It costs $10K for a semester.

Your parents only pay one school at a time. They don’t pay for your stateside school while your away. SYA courses are considered AP level. There is still time for cultural immersion and fun though. I had two daughters attend SYA Italy.