Syracuse vs Fordham for Psychology

Our D23 had a rough cycle with a lot of waitlists but has been admitted to both Fordham and Syracuse and has narrowed it down to those 2 choices. (psychology major). She is starting to get excited about both schools. We haven’t visited either one yet but are doing so in the next week. Obviously two very different schools. I’m looking for insight, pros/cons of both. Both are similar price for us so looking for insight other than financial. Thanks!

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Cost of attendance? If the same, which ever one she likes better.

Thanks for your input. She likes them both equally and is having a difficult time with her decision, which is why I posted. Hoping to hear others perspectives.

She doesn’t really like them both equally. She hasn’t been.

I would hate Fordham - but I hate being in or near a huge city.

I went to Syracuse. It’s certainly not remote, not far from downtown but I’ve read on here people say it’s the middle of nowhere.

For that reason alone - one will stand out vs. the other.

When you’re at SU, make sure to check out Marshall Street - and have her walk the 140+ steps up to Flint Hall…they were still there when I went back with my son a few years ago.

Totally personal preference. I think there will be enough differences between the schools (ex. size, location, religious affiliation) that a visit should make the choice pretty clear in her mind.

FWIW my S loved Fordham - but he was looking for a mid-sized urban college.

Despite what sounds like some some disappointmentd she has two fine options in the end so congrats.


Did she get any special program (Honors, Scholars…) at either one?
If you calculate (tuition, fees, room, board) - (grants, scholarships), is one less expensive than the other?
Did she get into Fordham RH or LC?

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I’m an SU grad and D23 also applied to Syracuse and Fordham for film. Is she into the school spirit and Greek life? If so, then Syracuse would be a better fit. Because the school has so much going on, I never felt that it was remote.

My daughter applied and was accepted into Lincoln Center. She was looking for the city experience. Is she and you comfortable with her living in NYC? I was not but luckily it never made her final list so it wasn’t an issue. That’s probably the biggest difference.

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