Syracuse vs Miami vs USC vs GW

<p>Hey All-</p>

<p>I am right now enrolled at the University of Alabama, but I want to transfer.
I hear Miami and Syracuse will take transfers for the Spring 2014 (mid year) so that I can still be a freshman at those schools. Is that true?</p>

<p>If I get at least a 3.7 in my courses, will I be able to be accepted into Miami or Syracuse as a mid year transfer? What about if I completed my Freshman year of college with a 3.8-3.9 with 30 credits. What would my chances be to get into Miami, Syracuse, GW or USC (Southern California)</p>

<p>Is there anyone that can tell me a little about these 3 schools and the differences between all? Maybe a suggestion of where I would belong best?</p>

<p>I'd like to be apart of Greek Life, I am very interested in a school with an active Greek Life. How are these schools when it comes to having sophomores rush? Do they keep a more open mind about it, or are some against sophomore PNMs and make it more difficult for them? </p>

<p>Im interested in:
Kappa Kappa Gamma (USC)
SDT (Syracuse and Miami)
AEPHi (GW)</p>

<p>I do love to party and am looking for a place that has fun night life and places where I can have great experiences. I am also very serious about my school work. I don't mind cold weather, in fact, I love it and love winter fashion. I love the Party Scene from Miami, USC because I love LA and it is a second home to me as I go every summer, and I like Syracuse due to their weather, area, student body, academics and sports, but I have heard that their social scene is not a big Hype. </p>

<p>I love DC and have heard GW is an amazing university. Education is top tier, but I heard night life is only so-so. I also heard that the student body that goes there is very sheltered and most come from very affluent families, especially if apart of Greek Life. I had a cousin that attended GW for her Freshman year and then became a transfer to USC. She said that the Girls were stuck up and had a lot of money, most of which blew their money on designer bags and mani pedis, she said the guys had a sort of "entitlement" to everything as well. She said she loves USC so much better and that it was the best decision she ever made. </p>

<p>My cousin and I although are nothing alike. I do enjoy the "finer" things in life and can get along perfectly and fit in with anyone, whether they come from money or not. </p>

<p>If I could have some more info on GW as well, that would be great!</p>

<p>Syracuse is the #10 party school by Princeton review and the biggest party school of all the ones you listed btw. Syracuse also has the strongest greek life of the 4. As far as transferring mid year to miami i don’t know if you would be able to transfer for the 2014 spring semester. At least for incoming freshman Miami offers spring admission when you apply for the fall semester and get waitlisted.</p>

<p>Are you starting Alabama next month – haven’t event started classes yet – and asking about transferring? Did you apply to these other schools as a HS senior? What happened? This is confusing…</p>

<p>I would strongly advise against selecting a college based on getting into a particular sorority for more reasons than I can count. You are setting yourself up for disappointment. Are you worried about getting into a sorority at Alabama? Do you know that sororities are different at every school? I am in favor of Greek life (was in a sorority at a Big Ten school), but would never pick a school based on getting into a particular house. You never once mentioned what you want to study. Just Greek life, social life, weather, fashion, partying. If I were your parent, this would be extremely concerning to me…</p>

<p>Syracuse is reputed to have some of the worst weather in the country. Cloudy ,cold ,rainy snowy. A good friend’s daughter started there and hated it. Transferred to UConn.Of the four schools you mentioned, Miami and USC are certainly better perceived academically.</p>

<p>Choosing a school based on its sorority offerings is ridiculous. AEPhi at one school is not going to be the same as AEPhi at another school.</p>