T-Shirts for AP Classes

<p>So far my AP English Literature and AP Calculus BC classes have announced that we can design a T-Shirt for the AP classes.</p>

<p>For AP Lit, the requirement is that it must have "ANSWER THE QUESTION!" somewhere on the shirt and "AP Lit & Comp 2010-2011."</p>

<p>There are no restrictions (besides typical school rules) for the Calc BC shirt, but my Calc teacher wants it to be different from her AB classes. Currently we are just reviewing AB material (AB is taken before BC at my school) and the AB class is about to start on derivatives.</p>


<p>do you know the sexy thing for ap calc</p>

<p>yes. but no . -_-</p>

<p>This is just as bad an idea as the Math Teams who get custom designed shirts…I am shuddering just thinking about it.</p>

<p>If I had ever had class-specific T-shirts, I would no longer wear them.</p>

<p>If I wore an AP class t-shirt to school, I would totally be harassed.</p>

<p>We have AP shirts for almost all our AP classes. I have one for Honors Physics, APUSH, AP Euro, and AP Chem. </p>

<p>I have no idea for calculus or lit… we always design ours at the end of the year, in april.</p>

<p>my IB Math HL class always gets to design T-Shirts. It’s a special thing. I forget what they did Freshman year, and last year they made a piecewise function depicting a heart.</p>

<p>My AP Chem class is buying lab coats :)</p>

<p>[Calculus</a> T-Shirts, Calculus Shirt Designs, Hoodies, and other Clothing<a href=“You%20could%20probably%20make%20some%20alterations”>/url</a>
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/high-school-life/322482-what-did-your-class-put-ap-t-shirts.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/high-school-life/322482-what-did-your-class-put-ap-t-shirts.html](<a href=“http://www.zazzle.ca/calculus+tshirts]Calculus”>Calculus T-Shirts & Shirt Designs | Zazzle)</a></p>

<p>Need to start this for IB Chem, or IB History</p>

<p>My school’s AP and Honors Chem teacher makes shirts every year. Last year’s AP shirt was pretty generic and had some inside jokes on it, while the Honors shirt depicted the teacher as a pimp (i.e. the mnemonic device for the orbitals is SPDF. Our teacher’s name starts with S. So, S(rest of name) Pimps During Free (time)).</p>

<p>[Senior</a> Year --check all that apply AP Calculu… T-shirts at Zazzle.ca](<a href=“http://www.zazzle.ca/senior_year_check_all_that_apply_ap_calculu_tshirt-235604030950626160]Senior”>Senior T-Shirts & Shirt Designs | Zazzle)</p>

<p>Wow, it’s as if this shirt was made for me. I’m taking those 4 APs (and Stats) and I have no social life. </p>


<p>So this idea may sound weird to some of you but many AP classes at my schools have their own custom shirts each year. I want an idea that’s unique, different from the typical ones you see online (Sexy, Integrals are my Antiderivates, Don’t Drink and Derive, etc.)</p>

<p>^I think that if you want to make your shirts unique, then you should incorporate aspects that only apply to your specific classes. Perhaps you could use inside class jokes or phrases that your teachers are fond of utilizing.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/high-school-life/148602-what-nerdy-inside-jokes-do-your-ap-classes-have.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/high-school-life/148602-what-nerdy-inside-jokes-do-your-ap-classes-have.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>^Maybe you have some that are similar to those.</p>

<p>Yep, pick some class inside joke.</p>

<p>I don’t believe there is any inside joke for my Calc and Lit classes so far. I want something that’s funny and not so common, but it doesn’t necessarily have to do with something from my classes.</p>

<p>There is a lot of inside jokes from my AP Microecon class, however (and to augment on this, this is the first year our school has AP Microecon). Once the teacher was talking about scarcity, and for some reason he ended up yelling “THERE IS NOT A SCARCITY OF HOLES IN THIS WORLD!!!” several times, and he did it in such a way that it sounded like it had some sexual innuendos. Maybe I should recommend that on a class shirt…</p>

<p>^ Our Lit class is using a quote from Vladamir Nabokov. We read “Good Readers and Writers”, or whatever the title was, and we always talked about one particular phrase that he used, which was “…fondle the details.” So, we’re using that as our quote for the t-shirt.</p>

<p>We don’t have T-shirts for AP, but the math club usually gets shirts.</p>

<p>Stuff like:</p>

<p>“i love math club!”</p>

<p>(It’s like a math pun because they actually put a -1 in a square root, which is the imaginary number i.</p>

<p>^ Wut about “Keepin’ it real” and a not-allowed circle/sign for imaginary i?</p>