TAG UCSD contract and grade equivelency help request

<p>HI, I am an older student (31) and returned to a local community college last fall. I am on track to transfer fall of 2011. My top choice is UCSD. However my problem is that after I graduated High School I moved to Mammoth Lakes and attended a community college there. I was a very poor and unmotivated student at the time and failed most of my classes.</p>

<p>I have contacted the school and requested an academic renewal, but the process is very strict and requires proof of extraordinary circumstances. I have already been told that being young is not an adequate excuse. These grades are 13 years old and they in no way reflect the student I am now. </p>

<p>I have already re-taken most of the course work at the CC I am currently attending, but am having trouble finding reliable information regarding how equivalency between two CC’s is established.</p>

<p>At my current school a course in which I have received a failing grade can be retaken and UC admissions will honor the new passing grade. Will this be true regarding coursework between two separate CC’s? If I am not granted academic renewal at this school my only option according to the counselor is to move to northern California where the school is located and retake the courses. This is not a viable option for myself. I have a lot of anxiety over the situation and any help would be appreciated.</p>