Taking a class after getting a 5 on the AP?

<p>How do colleges view someone taking an AP class AFTER getting a 5 on the test?</p>

<p>Why would you do that? Just wondering. There is really no point since you already get AP Credits.</p>

<p>You may lose the credits from the AP if you do that.</p>

<p>Generally, retaking a 5 that is accepted by your college and major is a waste of time and tuition, although there may be some situations such as medical schools not accepting (for example) AP biology in place of biology in the pre-med list of courses (check the pre-med forum for more discussions on this if you intend to do pre-med).</p>

<p>Retaking a 4 or (especially) 3 may be more advisable in some situations.</p>

<p>If old final exams of the college course that you could skip with AP credit are available, then you may want to try them to help decide if you should skip or retake.</p>

<p>Would you recommend retaking a 3 especially in Bio. I took AP Bio last year and got a 3, but I haven’t been reviewing this year, but I think I still have some knowledge of Bio.</p>

<p>I was thinking about just taking the class for fun, and no, I’m not retaking the AP test, just taking the class since I took the test without taking the class last year.</p>

<p>You wouldn’t lose the credits, UCBAlumnus; that’s silly. Taking the class isn’t a bad thing, especially if it helps your GPA (if you want to raise it, for whatever reason) and you’ll get the opportunity to learn things about the topic you couldn’t just by studying for the test, which is nice if you are interested in the content of the class. Retaking an AP test, though, would be a hell of a gamble. I’m not even sure what would happen if you got a different score, higher or lower. That’s just not something I would risk. Just taking the class, as OP wants to do, isn’t necessarily a bad idea at all.</p>



<p>[University</a> of California - AP credits](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/counselors/ap-credits/index.html]University”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/counselors/ap-credits/index.html) says:</p>





<p>Will biology be a key requirement for your major or prerequisite for more advanced courses, or will you be a pre-med? If so, it is likely that you will want to retake a 3. If not (i.e. it will only give you generic or breadth credits, or is a requirement for your major but not a key prerequisite for other courses in your major), then it probably is not worth retaking. But you also want to check your college and your major department at your college for more recommendations. If old final exams for the college’s biology course are available, you may also want to check those.</p>

<p>That isn’t what they meant by that, ucbalumnus. They are saying if you take the AP exam and a college class for it, you won’t get credit for both. I’m going to take the AP Gov exam this year and the class next, since I am taking seven AP tests next year and I still need gov credit to graduate.</p>