Taking a class pass/fail?

<p>So right now I'm taking:</p>

<p>General Chem
Life Science 1 (evolutionary)</p>

<p>at UCLA. I'm also working 15 hours a week at Starbucks. I am very very interested in taking this class called Introductory to Psychobiology because I'm truly interested in the subject. However I fear I won't be able to do well in all my classes if I concentrate on 4 science classes and work 15 hours a week.</p>

<p>This class is not required for my major, is not a premed class, and is not a General Ed Requirement. Would it be bad/suspicious for med schools if I take it as pass/fail?</p>

<p>Not really - just don’t make a habit of taking classes pass/fail, as they won’t contribute to your GPA and more than a few would look suspicious. I took a few Fiat Lux classes and those are only pass/fail - no biggie. </p>

<p>Since you already have a full course load, why don’t you just wait until next quarter and take Intro Pyschobio for a letter grade?</p>