<p>which APs are the easiest to self study for?</p>
<p>Clairvoyant........did you take Alg 1 in 5th grade?</p>
<p>which APs are the easiest to self study for?</p>
<p>Clairvoyant........did you take Alg 1 in 5th grade?</p>
<p>no, i self studied all 3 at grade 7/8 (pre-cal/algebra I,II) and took a local examination on them and passed. but at school now, we're doing trig.
as twinkletoe said, i'll return on July if i have nice results.
okay then see you all CCers on July!</p>
<p>If you're gonna self study 3 APs freshman year, 4 APs soph year (including calc BC), and get 5s on all of them, then first of all, you're insane, and second, you're obiously such a genius that you dont need to worry about what colleges will think of your self study APs or what year you took them. Who cares about college anyway, at the rate you're going, you can just self study all of your college courses your junior and senior years and go straight to grad school...
Why do you want to take so many APs so badly so early? There's no need to be worrying about taking enough APs and what colleges are gonna think so early, you're not even in 9th grade yet! If your school is ridiculously easy, I could see self studying one of two APs, but 7 APs self studied in 9th and 10th grade is just too much.</p>