<p>For those of you freshmen who want to live in a community, but are uninterested in Greek life, SLGs may be a great alternative. If anyone has any questions about Rush, SLG life, or the Duke social scene in general, I'd be happy to answer them. :)</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure I’m going to rush Round Table and Brownstone. Do you have any information about what they’re really like or what type of repuations they have? It seems kind of hard to differentiate between different SLG’s from just their websites. Also, is the process more self-selecting or do a lot more people rush each group than can be accepted? Do you know about how many people don’t get in to an SLG they rush for? Thanks!</p>
<p>justlurkin: Each SLG has its own personality, its own quirks, its own vibe. The purpose of Rush is to give you the chance to get to know each dorm and see which one <em>feels</em> right for you. At the beginning of spring semester, you’ll get a calendar slid under your door from the major SLGs. Be sure to go to an open house for each living group where you’ll get a wealth of information, and get to meet most of the members of the dorm. After all, these are the people you’d have to live with for the next couple of years - get to know them and see if you can picture yourself hanging out with them and being part of their community. </p>
<p>Arzachel: There is a lot of self-selection: for instance, I rushed two SLGs in the beginning, but dropped one after the first few days because it just didn’t feel quite right. But there are a few people who try to rush multiple ones. I personally think it’s hard to juggle that balance: Rush is so busy, and there will be events every day. Your best bet is to pick the one you like after a few days and focus solely on it. </p>
<p>In terms of selection, it varies from year to year. The two big ones (RT and Brownstone) get upwards of 100 applications for twenty spots, so they’ll be more competitive. But honestly, ‘competitive’ is the wrong word to use. It’s a chance for you to get to know us, and for us to get to know you. If you think you click well with a particular group, then chances are, the feeling’s probably mutual. So don’t stress too much over it - go to events, meet people, and have lots of fun!!</p>