<p>So im taking us history and math 2 on saturday. since us history doesnt require a lot of mechanical thinking for me, should i take that one first? that way i'm all warmed up for math 2 where i have potential to make careless mistakes on</p>
<p>thanks i know this may be a dumb question</p>
<p>Depends on you I’d say. For me, the same goes for German - it is rather automatic, so I might want to get Math II done first so that I don’t have to worry about it for too long
Good luck!</p>
<p>Personally, I’d take the easier one first.</p>
<p>That way, when taking the easier one you’re not worrying about mistakes you might’ve made on the more difficult one.</p>
<p>The subject test is only 1 hour long each, so I don’t worry much about the order. However, it may be better to take the test that requires more memory or informational data first for some people. Your memory works better with a clearer mind.</p>